Overnight Camel Trek in Merzouga Desert

Camel Trek, desierto camello

Embark on an enchanting Overnight Camel Trek in the Merzouga Desert, an immersive experience that takes you deep into the heart of the Sahara. This journey isn’t just about traversing the desert; it’s an opportunity to connect with the timeless rhythm of the landscape, witness the breathtaking beauty of the dunes, and spend a night under the starlit sky in one of the most serene settings on Earth.

Preparation and Meeting Your Camel

Your adventure begins in the late afternoon when the desert heat starts to wane. You’ll be introduced to your camel and given a brief on how to ride and communicate with these gentle and resilient creatures. The guides will help you mount and make sure you’re comfortable before setting off.

Setting Off: The Serenity of the Sahara

As your caravan sets off into the dunes, feel the rhythm of the camel’s steps and the vastness of the desert around you. Riding a camel offers a slow, steady pace that’s perfect for taking in the scenery and reflecting on the silence and grandeur of the Sahara. The Erg Chebbi dunes, with their stunning shapes and colors, provide a dramatic backdrop to your journey.

Sunset in the Desert

One of the highlights of your trek is watching the sunset over the dunes. As the sun dips below the horizon, the sand changes color, and the sky lights up in hues of orange, pink, and red. It’s a moment of profound beauty and tranquility. You’ll stop to take in this spectacle, a perfect time for contemplation or capturing photos.

Arrival at the Desert Camp

As darkness falls, you’ll arrive at a traditional Berber camp set up among the dunes. Here, you’ll be greeted with warm hospitality and perhaps a cup of mint tea, the emblem of Moroccan generosity. You can settle into your tent, which, while simple, offers the necessary comfort for a night in the desert.

Evening in the Camp

Enjoy a traditional Moroccan dinner around a campfire, often accompanied by Berber music and storytelling. It’s an opportunity to learn about the local culture, share experiences with fellow travelers, and enjoy the camaraderie that comes from sharing this unique adventure. The desert night is profoundly quiet and peaceful, offering a sense of solitude and connection to nature.


One of the most magical aspects of spending the night in the desert is the stargazing. Away from city lights, the sky in the Sahara is a tapestry of stars, planets, and constellations, shining with an intensity you may never have seen before. Lying on the sand and looking up at the Milky Way is an awe-inspiring experience.

Morning Sunrise

Wake up early to witness the sunrise, another breathtaking spectacle. As the first rays of the sun light up the dunes, the landscape is transformed, and the desert comes to life in a new way. After sunrise, you’ll enjoy breakfast at the camp before riding your camel back, carrying with you memories of the desert’s nocturnal magic.

Why This Journey Is Unforgettable:
  • Connection with Nature: The camel trek and overnight stay allow you to connect deeply with the desert’s rhythm and beauty.
  • Cultural Insights: Spending time in the Berber camp provides a glimpse into the traditional way of life of the Sahara’s inhabitants.
  • Sensory Experience: From the sight of the sunset and sunrise to the sounds of music and silence, the trek is a feast for the senses.
Conclusion: A Night of Desert Wonders

An Overnight Camel Trek in the Merzouga Desert is an experience that offers more than just a journey through the sand. It’s an opportunity to disconnect from the bustle of modern life and reconnect with the simplicity and serenity of nature, to experience the culture and hospitality of the desert people, and to witness the unspoiled beauty of the Sahara under the stars. It’s a journey that stays with you, long after the desert sands have been shaken from your shoes.

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